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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Book Review

The ACB with Honora Lee is an exciting fiction children's novel, with extremely wonderful art. It is about family, friendship, relationships and life.

Perry makes an ACB book for her gran because she can't remember her ABC's. Perry loves bees so she has a dead bee collection. Find out what happens next...

The main characters are named Perry and Honora Lee.
Perry loves her gran, bees, she wears glasses and is about 10-12.
Honora Lee (Gran) is Perry's grandmother, who has dementia. Perry helps her gran with an ACB book.

There are activities that Perry does in the afternoon, like going on trips to Santa Lucia (Grans rest home) and making the ACB book.

I like the beautiful art and rich, juicy description of the characters and the settings.
My dislikes are that everything happens so suddenly.

I recommend this book for girls aged 9 to 11 because it is about life, not adventure, and the main characters are girls but some boys might like it.

I really enjoyed this book and I hope you enjoy it too!


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Well done on your book review! I really liked how you justified your recommendation by saying that it is about life, not adventure, so girls will probably like it better than boys. I also like how you created suspense by saying 'find out what happens next...'.
    What was your favourite thing that happened in the book?
    From Miss Barr

    1. Hi Miss Barr,
      Well my really favourite part was when gran and Perry finished the ACB book that was pretty cool. But I think I like the whole book was awesome. It is cool how we finished the book pretty quickly
      From Sarah
